Featured Insights Aug 26

Enhance student engagement: 5 reasons why Along should be your classroom tool

Imagine classrooms full of engaged students who show up to school ready to learn and open to building their academic and life skills.

Here at Along, we want that vision to become a reality. That’s why we created our teacher-student connection builder platform, which helps educators quickly establish relationships with each student so that they feel comfortable in the classroom.

We know (from years of research) that when there are authentic teacher-student connections, students experience many positive outcomes when it comes to academic growth, well-being, and social development. And, schools around the country also report that when there’s a focus on relationship building, they can also help to address challenges around chronic absenteeism and behavior in the classroom.

School leaders have lots of choices in the current education technology marketplace. If your strategy is centered on how to enhance student engagement, consider these 5 reasons why Along should be your tool of choice:

  • Easy to use: Educators can get started on Along quickly by rostering their students using Clever or a class code. The platform is intuitive and fun, providing a positive experience that keeps students engaged.
  • Range of research-informed content: Get to know your students by choosing from a robust group of reflection questions on Along, which were created with researchers, teachers, and students to specifically help you build relationships, receive meaningful student input, and boost instructional practice. Choose from open response or multiple choice questions, or even create custom questions.
  • Engage in advisory or academic settings: Connect with students in all kinds of classroom environments with Along. In an advisory setting, you can learn more about your students as individuals and build community. In academic classrooms, you can deepen reflection about classroom content and experiences, or learn more about your students as people so that they feel even more included in your classroom.
  • Focus on student outcomes: Educators can help students feel seen and heard by integrating the input they share in Along back into instruction. This creates more personalized classroom experiences, and encourages student learning. 
  • Always free: Along is free for teachers—and always will be. There’s no catch!

Our team is here to help you implement Along and support you every step of the way. Reach out to us today at support@along.org or visit our “For Schools” page

And, download our new eBook, “Strong classroom connections improve student outcomes,” to learn why engaged classrooms are foundational for addressing school challenges like absenteeism and behavior referrals. 

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