Featured News Aug 12

Strong classroom connections improve student outcomes: download this free eBook

As we’re getting into the swing of the ‘24 – ‘25 school year, it’s important for school leaders to consider how their campus culture is helping their students succeed. This is because when schools are strong communities, their students experience the best opportunities for whole student learning, including academic growth, well-being, and social development. 

However, today’s landscape is rife with a variety of challenges for school leaders that can impact these positive student outcomes—namely, increasing rates of student absenteeism and behavior concerns.

Considering these headwinds, what strategy can a school leader take to create the biggest impact on their students? The team at Along has created a new eBook to help.

In “Strong classroom connections improve student outcomes,” school leaders will gain a new understanding of the current classroom challenges that can impact student outcomes and will learn why a foundation of strong teacher-student connections should be their starting point. 

The eBook showcases how relationships with educators help students feel more engaged and that they belong at school, which directly affects their attendance, behavior in the classroom, and overall academic outcomes. Years of research prove this very fact. As the Search Institute shares: “After decades of forming hypotheses, conducting surveys, crafting and rewriting definitions, analyzing data and writing journal articles… Nothing—nothing—has more impact in the life of a child than positive relationships.”

The eBook also presents one practical solution for building these teacher-student connections. You guessed it… it’s Along, the free teacher-student connection builder! With Along, educators can implement an easy, school-wide solution that fits into a range of classroom environments, from academic to advisory settings. 

And the best thing? Along provides all the tools that educators need all in one intuitive platform that is fun for both teachers and students to use. Educators can choose from hundreds of research-informed reflection questions that help form and maintain connections with their students. They can start with “getting to know you” questions, and can then delve deeper into areas like stress management, resilience, and academic readiness.

Using Along, educators can also access a variety of classroom activities and resources to meet the needs of their classroom. 

Ready to learn more? Download our eBook—Strong classroom connections impact student outcomes— today!

And, you may also want to download 5 steps to transform school culture to learn more ways to create responsive classrooms to support students. 


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