Featured From the team Oct 2

5 ways Along prioritizes student privacy

Our team values student privacy because we understand that school leaders rely on us as a safe tool that provides an invaluable service: connecting teachers and students to create engaged and motivated learners. 

We help educators build trust in the classroom every day, and part of that trust requires Along to maintain a high level of security and to be transparent about our trust and safety policies. From the outset, our team has prioritized the protection of student information—and we will continue to do so to ensure that Along remains a safe environment.

School leaders have a lot on their minds as the ‘24 – ‘25 school year rolls out, but they can be assured that Along will always be committed to keeping student information safe, secure, and private. 

Here are 5 ways that Along prioritizes student privacy:

  1. Data is never for sale. We do not—and will never—sell student data, for any purpose.
  2. Data is used solely for educational purposes. Any student information in the tool is only used for educational purposes. No exceptions.
  3. We are transparent about compliance. We’re committed to the Student Privacy Pledge, and comply with federal privacy laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and with state laws. As a non-profit, we also voluntarily comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  4. You own your data. Students, teachers, school staff, and parents/guardians own and control their personal information used on Along. You can request to delete your account at any time. And, parents can do the same on behalf of their student by reaching out to their school or by emailing support@along.org.
  5. We regularly evaluate our security policies. As best practices in privacy and security evolve, we remain committed to continuously improving security. In addition to aligning with the Center for Internet Security, we have been independently audited for  SOC 2 compliance—a framework for managing and safeguarding customer data certified by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that ensures third-party service providers store and process data in a secure manner.

    We have also been assessed and awarded a certification and a re-certification of the iKeepSafe FERPA and COPPA privacy badges. iKeepSafe Privacy Assessment badges help schools easily identify websites, apps, data management platforms, and other technology products that are in compliance with privacy laws governing student data. Products that carry the iKeepSafe seal provide educators and parents with the assurance that the product meets iKeepSafe’s standards in the areas of privacy, safety, and security.

Want to learn more about Along’s commitment to student privacy? Visit our Trust & Safety page today! 

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