Featured Well-being Mar 3

Spring is in the air: 4 ways to re-energize students

The middle of the spring semester can be tricky. It’s not as exciting as the start of a new year and doesn’t hold the same infectious buzz as the final weeks heading into summer. In fact, many students – and yes,even teachers – might be falling into a mid-semester slump. But Along can help. From getting a pulse check to providing energizing classroom activities, we’ve got what you need to boost motivation. 

If you’re looking for ways to shake things up, here are four ideas for re-energizing your students (and even yourself).

1) Meet students where they’re at.

Before diving into new activities, it’s important to first discover how your students are truly feeling. Find out if they’re distractible or centered, alert or tired, motivated or sluggish. Here are a few reflection questions in Along that’ll help you check in and get a read on energy levels.

  • How would you describe your energy level right now? Why do you think you feel this way?
  • What activities energize you?
  • What are ways you enjoy being active?

Hopefully, your students’ responses will provide insight into what activities might help them get re-focused and excited for the rest of the semester. With that information, you can better tailor your plan of action to what your students need.  

2) Get moving.

If your students mentioned that they like physical activities, this is the time to get them on their feet and out of their seats. The research is pretty clear: consistent physical activity promotes better attention, stronger grades, and more meaningful social connections. With warmer days ahead, take the class outdoors whenever possible. In addition to the extra dose of Vitamin D, the lack of walls will allow your students—and you!—to feel free and relaxed. 

Need ideas for indoors as well? We’ve got those too with our classroom activities. One of our favorite movement activities uses music breaks to get energized and focused. After an intense lesson on world history or long division, play a lively song from Hip Hop Public Health and let your students dance it out while their brains get a moment to rest. Another activity to boost energy through physical movement is to have your students shake out each of their limbs eight times. Whether they’re feeling fidgety or tired, this is a fun practice to even out your students’ energy levels and for them to regain focus. And when you lead them through this activity, it’ll give you an energy boost, too. 

3) Check in on goals.

Now that you’ve reclaimed your students’ attention, take a short trip down memory lane and revisit the goals that they set at the beginning of the semester. Through Along, you can ask students to reflect on the progress they’ve made. This allows students to recognize and appreciate all of their hard work. You’ll also get a feel for who needs assistance and can help set smaller benchmarks to guide them along the way.

4) Treat yourself over Spring break.

It’s not just students who sometimes need to be re-energized. It’s teachers too. With Spring break approaching, make sure to carve out time to do the things that give you a boost – whether that’s a coffee with friends, a marathon reading session, or a long run in the sunshine. It’s just as important that you reflect on your own energy levels as it is to discover how students are doing. 

Spring is a time for blossoming and finding new focus. Though the mid-semester may seem long, it’s actually an opportunity to help your students achieve their personal goals, experience more fun in the classroom, and be part of their bigger community. 

We hope these ideas, activities and reflection questions set you up for a successful Spring!



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